IELTS Insights – Reading – Post 4 – True/ False/ Not Given.

? IELTS Insights: Một bài tập ngắn cho True/ False/ Not Given ? Đoạn trích từ bài đọc Adults and children are frequently confronted with statements about the alarming rate of loss of tropical rainforests. For example, one graphic illustration to which children might readily relate is the estimate that rainforests are being destroyed at […]

Read More IELTS Insights – Reading – Post 4 – True/ False/ Not Given.
November 15, 2018


IELTS Insights – Writing- Post 5 – Bài viết mẫu đề Writing Task 2 ngày 1/ 11/ 2018

BÀI MẪU CHO ĐỀ IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGÀY 1/ 11/ 2018 Cycling is healthier and environmentally friendly form of transport . Nevertheless, cycling is getting less popular. What are the reasons of this trend? What can be done to make cycling more popular? • Bài viết trong khoảng 45 phút, vẫn theo cách viết […]

Read More IELTS Insights – Writing- Post 5 – Bài viết mẫu đề Writing Task 2 ngày 1/ 11/ 2018
November 7, 2018